Fake Coin of British India

Kindly buy coins only from trusted platforms like Coinbazzar.com . Where you get assuerance for 100% orginal item. Don't buy from those website that is not having correct knowledge of coins and notes collection like Snapdeal, Shopclues. These website seller are selling fake coins by putting original items pics on there listing at low price but when you got your item that items is fake and made in china. They import these coins from china and sell on snapdeal and other platform. You can see these fake items on Alibaba.com and AliExpress.com . Please don't loose your hard money on these fake coins. So, we are sharing a list of coins that are fake. Kindly be aware and only buy items from trusted source only. This list only include fake coins from British India Coinage.

This Image is Genuine but seller is selling fake coin.

As we all know 1880 Half Rupee is one of the rare coin of British India and it value is arround 2,00,000 to 3,00,000 Rupees. But as you can see on above screenshot from Shopclues.com a seller is selling fake 1880 coin in 15,000 rupees only. Seller is showing us 100% genuine coin image but only image is genuine they will definetly send you a fake coin or tooled coin.

What is Tooled Coin?

Those coins whose date is changed by removing the date of the coins. This is always done on an original coin, such as the coin of 1890 date is changed to 1880. In this, the 9 of 1890 is changed to 8. Goldsmiths are also involved in this work. If you have ever ordered a coin from Snapdeal or Shopclues, then please send it for grading. Grading will make it clear whether that coin is genuine or fake. Grading company in india is PCG Grading and there website is https://www.pcggrading.in

This is another 1880 half rupee fake coin that sold on snapdeal. You can check it by clicking on this link. Click Here
This coin is completly fake your see there pattern and compare with original coin image given below. See there pattern fake coin letter is not in proper format.


See the pattren in original coin. That is perfect also see the difference in back side of coin queen victoria potrait is perfect.

Another fake coin from Shopclues.com. That 1911 half rupee coin is a tooled coin. Seller put that coin in quantity as you can see in above picture 2 Item Left. Original Half rupee 1911 is very rare and hard to find one single coin but seller listed 2 coins.
So, now we will teach you how you can find if your half rupee 1911 is tooled or original coin. In tooled INDIA word I letter and 1911 last 1 is in straight line but in original coin 1 is not just under INDIA word I. See Below Image for refrence.

We will update more coins soon..